We hope you enjoyed the “Probiotics: Because Disease Begins in the Gut” teleseminar with Czerral and co-hosted by myself and Adrienne from Whole New Mom on 5/30/13.
If you missed it live, but were registered for the call ahead of time, you will receive (or should have received) the recording by email on Friday morning, 5/31/13.
If you were not registered for the call and would like to listen to the recording, you may still request the recording. Whole New Mom readers, please request it here. Everyone else, please request it using the “Read Your Labels” form to the right (you’ll get access to all my free resources, including this recording).
Enter the giveaway below to win a free tub of InLiven Probiotic Superfoods or free bottle of Fast Tract Liquid Probiotic Drink. 🙂
Note 1 – Questions about InLiven or Fast Tract? Please visit this FAQ page I set up to help cut down on some of my email consulting work as I prep for my upcoming home birth (any day now).
Note 2 – We sincerely hope the teleseminar is helpful to everyone, whether interested in these particular products or not. For those who would like to try InLiven or Fast Tract, when you request the recording using one of the links above, you will also receive information on a special promo code just for teleseminar listeners to save 20% on your order (if you were pre-registered for the teleseminar, please refer to the email you received after the call with the promo code). Whole New Mom readers please order here; everyone else, please order here.
So much information, makes so much sense. I don’t care for fermented foods…I have tried…the extent of my probiotics is water kefir and sometimes komboucha.
Thank You!
Dedriann, thanks for your honest comment – I feel like I’m reading my own thoughts. 🙂 I’m not a fan of strong fermented food tastes either. We’ve done some water kefir (which I like with blueberries and raspberries in the second ferment), some kombucha (which I really don’t like personally), and some homemade raw milk yogurt (which I like but am generally pretty low-dairy). I struggle with things like sauerkraut, kvass, kimchi, chutni, etc. I *know* they’re good for me and will sometimes choke them down, but really struggle with the tastes – at least at this point in my journey. That’s why I SO appreciate the InLiven powder. I can get all those amazing benefits and then some shaken up in a quick shot of juice or blended into a smoothie. Yum! 🙂
My thoughts exactly. I really struggle with those favors but know I need more. Just can’t do kombuki or kimchi. Would love to try a quality product.
If you have any other questions, Diane, feel free to email me – although I’m logging off for babymoon tomorrow… But will have a vacation reply set up with contact info for my colleague Alison, who can help with any questions you might have. Cheers! 🙂
The seminar was so informative thanks for doing it!
To Ariane and all the general ‘thank you’ comments here…
(Please forgive my ‘blanket’ response – I hate to be impersonal but am trying to really watch my online time and carve out more home birth prep time…)
You’re all most welcome! It was a pleasure putting this together for you all and I’m SO glad you found it helpful. 🙂
Blessings to all! 🙂
This was great! I am very thankful for the information.
Thank you so much for the seminar tonight. I have been following down the path of fermented food and probiotics and you confirmed a lot of info for me.
You’re welcome, Heidi. I’m glad it was confirming for you. Yeah, the more I keep reading from many different sources about the importance of real foods grown and prepared in natural ways, the more appreciative I become for Czerral, his perspectives on probiotic ‘supplementation’ using real foods only, and his specific work in developing InLiven and Fast Tract.
I thought this was all very interesting and I am excited to try out InLiven probiotics!
Thanks, Emily – looking forward to hearing your feedback on InLiven.
I truly enjoyed learning more about REAL probiotics. I would really like to try this stuff out. I would like more information.
Mary Jo Berte
Thanks, Mary Jo – I hope you got the info you needed via the email I sent and FAQ page? If not, please contact me and I’ll be happy to help.
So nice that the guest was able to take questions!
Wow. Thank you so much for making this information available to us! I am very interested in exploring this subject and this specific product in more detail! Thanks! I look forward to hearing more info about it from you as well!
Wonderful seminar! We’ve been recreating our diet, moving from the SAD to organic, non-gmo whole foods, for a little more that 2 years now. We’ve taken pro-biotics on and off and it’s great to have a deeper understanding of how they work in our bodies.
Very informative. Thanks!
Great call – so much wonderful information can’t wait to incorporate it!
Thanks so much for this teleseminar! I learned sooooo much!
I enjoyed listening to the talk tonight, and can’t wait to get the recording to fill in the parts I missed. My family of 7 has a lot of allergies, celiac disease, and hormone imbalances, so we’re always looking for ways to improve our health without taking pharmaceuticals. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge!
very informative..thanks so much!
I loved the seminar tonight, it was very helpful. Love that this is all organic and helpful for our pets too 🙂
Very informative. Thank you all so much for your time and expertise.
Thank you for the seminar. It has been very informative! I will be making some changes to my family’s diet and the supplements we take.
Great Session! I was very pleased to hear about the differences in whole food vs. isolates. It confirmed what instinctively makes sense.
Thanks again!
Wow! I wish we had been taught this stuff when we were kids! Or at least before we had kids!
I amlisteningintomorrow, my husbandis working back to back, so had to make him a nutritious dinner for his 16 hour shift! Can’twait…..
Thank you very much for having this webinar. It was VERY helpful and made a lot of sense. Thank you, Cxerral, for your answers to my questions and also all your other answers also. It is very confusing when there is so much contradictory information out there – and especially two webinars in the same day on the same subject that advise TOTALLY OPPOSITE! The first webinar speaker said to stay away from fermented foods during candida treatment and that her health treatment wasn’t effective until she got rid of all fermented foods and stayed with just probiotics. You said just the opposite. Both you and the other speaker affirmed the same source, Otto Warburg, Nobel winner, but with conflicting understanding. I am thankful to you for clarifying Mr. Warburg’s actual meaning concerning his information on fermentation. I will definitely apply this information in my husband’s and my llfe. And, by the way, we have been regularly using kefir for a number of months now and believe it has helped. Thank you again!
Hi Barbara – sorry for delayed response here – been barely able to keep up with emails and all my other ‘to-do’s’ in advance of logging off for babymoon soon…
But yes, your questions and comments were fascinating. My 39-week pregnant brain can barely recall now what Czerral said in response (forgive me!), but I think part of the issue is, or could be, that with many home ferments – or ‘wild’ ferments – you don’t know exactly what is getting in there and it can grow candida yeasts too potentially (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_kefir), so perhaps best to avoid those. BUT, if you can get a good, ‘controlled’ source of fermented foods, at least during those healing times, that can be a great source of the ‘good bugs’ – and nutrients from the foods.
Signing off for babymoon tomorrow, so may not reply here – sorry! But if you have any questions, you can email me and I’ll have a vacation reply with contact info for my colleague Alison who can help answer questions. 🙂
Thank you so much for a very informative seminar. There was so much information to absorb that I look forward to listening to the teleseminar again. I am so excited to try both the Enliven and Fast Track on my journy to better health! Thank you again Adriene, Czerral, and Lacey!
You’re most welcome, Karen! Please keep me posted on your experience with InLiven & Fast Tract. 🙂
I enjoyed the seminar, but had trouble hearing Czerral.
Lots of great information!
Wow, lots of great information! Thank you all so much!
I wasn’t able to listen in tonight but look forward to the recording!
The seminar was so informative!! Thank you for hosting!
This was nice, sciencey information to explain things I didn’t know and answer questions I hadn’t quite come to yet!
The teleseminar was very good! im excited to try the Inleven and Fasttract to see what it does with my annoying symptoms. thank you for the teleseminar!!
It was awesome! I learned so much!
Thanks for doing the teleseminar.
Thx for the teleseminar
Great seminar…I learned so much. Going to listen to the recording so I can make more notes. Thank you.
So looking forward to getting the recording of this, as last night’s schedule got busy and I wasn’t able to tune in on the live call. Thanks so much for putting this all together!
Always glad to learn more about health
I really enjoyed the live seminar. It was very informative. I always like to hear from the people who make and stand behind their product.
I couldn’t make it for the live seminar, but I am greatly looking forward to hearing more when I listen to the recording.
I really liked hearing about this product. I’m really interested in the Fast Tract!
I can’t wait to get the recording! I’m always I retested in ways to be healthier and have taken probiotics off and on for years but I feel like I don’t know much about them. I want to learn more about them and specifically this company since I would like to try them
Very informative seminar, thank you.
(My whole new mom subscription is under my other email address. )
Thank you so much for this. I’ve been wanting to learn more about probiotics and this couldn’t have happened at a better time.
Thanks for the seminar – great information!
Thanks so much for the info. I’ll look forward to reviewing it.
I’ll be listening to the recording! Because of my gut issues, I am very interested in learning more about probiotics; thank you!
Great info!
Thank you so much! Very clear information and the question/answer part was very helpful. I can’t wait to read more about it and try the products. Good health to all!
Thanks for providing this. Having Celiac Disease, having proper gut flora is so huge. I am always looking for more knowledge.
Thanks so much – great info and I’m looking forward to trying the products!
Learned several helpful things about probiotics last nigjt. definitely motivates mw to get more of thwm into my bodyfor better health…and the righr type.
Thank you for doing this teleseminar!!
Thank you for sharing this important information.
Very informative seminar, thank you.
Excited for my husband and I to have a ‘date’ listening to the seminar tonight after the kids are asleep!
Nice! I know how that is, Casey! 🙂
Thank you for doing this! I’ve learned so much.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! No need to stress about the” re-booting” at the beginning. We all have been there. : )
Wow! Loved the teleseminar. That was so informative and Adrienne did such a great job with her questions. Thank you so much for setting this up and sharing such wonderful information. Thanks also for the giveaway! Even if I don’t win, I’m going to buy some of the probiotics.
Oh, my lands! This was an amazing teleseminar. Thank you so much, Czerral, Adrienne, and Lacey for bringing it to us. I’ll probably be throwing out all of my toxic vitamins this weekend! 🙂 When finances loosen up a wee bit, I’ll definitely be starting on InLiven and Fast Track, even giving the former to my dog. 🙂
You’re most welcome, Tracy! Thank you! 🙂
Wow! I had no idea that the vitamins and probiotics I have been taking were doing damage instead of helping. I knew that bacteria multiply, but holy cow , that much in such a little time! Thank you so much for the teleseminar. I need to order some with that 20% off coupon (Thank you for that too). 🙂
I am so excited to listen to the recording! I’ve been using probiotics for a while, but am thinking it might be good to mix things up and want to learn more in general! Thanks for the recording!
Thank you so much for this information!
Thank you for setting up such an informative session. I learned a lot but I did miss some parts so I’m looking forward to the recording as well. Congratulations, by the way! Your home birth experience will be amazing 🙂 I’m so happy for you that you will be able to have your baby at home!
Thank you SO much Jenna! I’m so behind on these comments here and sad that I just have to give myself permission to reply to each and every one. But, we still have some final preparations to make – including me needing to catch up some sleep and rest up for the big day, whenever it comes… any day now! 🙂
I look forward t o reviewing the teleseminar information. Thank you!
looking forward to listening to this teleseminar to learn more on fermented foods for healing the gut. I LOVE homemade sauerkraut dill pickles (the BEST) but have yet to make homemade sauerkraut or kvass. Love fizzy water kiefer – the more bubbles the better.
I wonder if being addicted to ‘fizz’ is a symptom of a nutritional deficiency or a sign of some intestinal issue, but haven’t been able to find anything definitive when I have searched. I drink lots of club soda and seltzer water.
I also am delving into essential oils, and have seen strong recommendations to be taking a good probiotic if you use essential oils internally. I regularly add a drop of peppermint, lemon or grapefruit oil in my non-fizzy water, but I don’t know if that is sufficient to impact my internal flora/fauna or not.
Playback for the seminar is downloading now.
Thank you for this resource!
Thanks for your comments, Paula. Yes, I’ve heard mixed thoughts on the probiotics and essential oils questions. At this point in my journey, I don’t have any definitive stance, or sense, or answer on that yet – in part because we still primarily use essential oils for DIY external preparations in our house, not so much internally – but always trying to learn more. 🙂
Thank you for this. Really needed this information!
Lacey, Thanks for organizing this call. I’ve learned a lot and will put into use! Keep Smiling 🙂
yay, smiles! and hugs!! 😉
My internet was down last night. Bummer. Looking forward to hearing the recording.
Thank you! It was interesting to hear about the balance between good and bad bacteria.
Thank you for this. It was new to me learning about how these probiotics are grown to resist chlorine etc to be very strong in the gut. I appreciate learning about these natural supplements for our health. Also enlightening about the actual count of bacteria and how it is counting live colonies instead of how every other probiotic labels the count.
Thank you. I’m probably among the many who are not sure about fermented foods. I’ve had some sauerkraut growing up and don’t like it at all, not sure that I’d like any others – I’m a very picky eater.
Thank you! I try to eat some fermented foods everyday but saurkrout just doesn’t taste very good to me. I’ll try some of your information.
Thank you for this information. It was very informative! I was interested in learning more about probiotics.
Wasn’t able to listen in but look forward to the recording. We are dealing with gluten and dairy sensitivities, seasonal allergies, sinusitis, GI sensitivities, anemia, mood swings, etc and really hoping to learn more about how probiotics can address some of these!
Enjoyed the seminar. Thank you.
Sure hope I win.
Loved the call! I found myself nodding and saying, “YES! Exactly!” I’ve learned a lot from the WNM blog over the past year and I have recently been on a water kefir and kombucha kick because I was trying to get as many probiotics as possible to help heal my gut after years of (unknown) abuse. I especially apprecited the bit about the gluten and I’m glad Adrienne asked the question. I’m still hesitant to try the InLiven because I have such a severe intollerance to gluten, but I might be willing to give the FastTrack a try.
Thanks for your order, Alicia – please keep me posted on how it goes for you!
my adult children however not so much, I want to help them be more healthy, especially with two new babies on the way, I want so badly for healthy grandbabies, one does not swallow pills at all, like grandma, this product could very much be the answer, I would love to try a sample, they are very picky eaters. I do try very hard to preach good nutrition, but with mimimum paying jobs, its a concern for them. Thank you for your knowledge, mygoal is to try and help them start paying rent on their own bodies for a healthier and longer life!
Hi Juliette – sorry I’m way behind on the comment replies here. Have been barely able to keep up with my emails and other ‘to-do’s’ preparing for home birth any day now. Please feel free to email me directly with any questions you may have – I’m signing off tomorrow for babymoon, but will have a vacation reply message set up with contact info for my colleague Alison who can help you also. Blessings to you as well!! 🙂
Thought I knew a lot, but learned much more. Thank You.
I already subscribe to Whole New Mom. I have a browser window open to listen to the taped conference call.
I’ve looked at the products mentioned. InLiven looks the most interesting to me (I avoid agave).
Great info. So cool to learn from a pioneer in the industry.
I learned a lot last evening on the call. Thanks for providing this great information for everyone! Blessings on your home birth! We just had our 5th at home in an amazing water birth (in the bath tub) for the second time around (first 3 were born in hospital with midwives). This baby came out so fast that I was able to catch him (hubby caught all the others)! I pray all goes well for you!
Thank you SO much Bethany, and congrats on your 5th! Your story is a great encouragement to me. 🙂 I’m praying this one goes quickly and smoothly as well. At some point I hope to write up the details, but long story (including my own journey of awareness and medical issues with #3) short, this is actually our first natural birth as well. Don’t even want the enticing option of the drugs this time, so we decided to go the extreme from hospital with epidurals straight to home birth with an awesome midwife. Any day now!! 🙂
Thank you for this webinar! I am just learning about fermented foods/probiotics – so much information 🙂 I’ve dealt with chronic pain for about 18 years, IBS, fibro. I was on a lot of pain/nerve medications for displaced ribs and back issues from my job, along with numerous antibiotics over the years for sinus infections. I really think all of these meds have screwed up my system….Had I known then what I know now, I (hopefully) would be a different person. Thanks for all of your knowledge that you share with all of us!
Thanks for your comment, Jennifer. I think one of the most encouraging pieces of everything Czerral has to say is that, given the proper nutrition, in most cases, our can bodies can and will heal itself – it was designed to do that. Of course, not in all cases – I do believe sometimes God has a higher purposes for our sufferings – but in many. Praying now for your regained heath.
Always like hearing more about digestive health, thx!
I have been dabbling with some probiotic foods over the past six months or so, and it is always lovely to have good, solid information on why the effort is so worth it! Thank you, ladies for taking the time to put this together!
Fantastic seminar – thanks so much! There’s a lot there to learn. I have a continuous kombucha brewing system and use whey as often as i can. I make a few other fermented foods (chutneys, ketchup, steak sauce, etc) and am interested in adding a daily probiotic into my daily routine. Thank you!
That’s awesome, Carolyn! Keep it up! So good for you. 🙂
Thanks so much for a most informative seminar (the archived link is a great plus!). I’ve been taking pro-biotics for years, especially since I have a multi-decade history of dealing with candida. Wouldn’t be without pro-biotics! I’m always open to learn more – the research keeps improving in this industry – and your seminar certainly delivered. Much appreciated! I’m looking forward to the InLiven and Fast Tract products.
Had to take my daughter to the airport during the seminar but am looking forward to listening to the recording. Really need to work on my and my families digestion.
This was very informative and helpful. Thank you all so much for sharing your time and knowledge with us!
Had company, not able to listen. Can’t wait to hear the recording.
While I love truly fermented sauerkraut, I’ve yet to make it. My probiotic, fermenting efforts have been making kombucha, water kefir, and fermented beverages from Nourishing Traditions. With warmer summer temps on the way, the kombucha will be harder to keep going, and I’ve never had success with the water kefir. But I”m always searching for more ways to get probiotics into my lifestyle.
I’m purchasing products today! It will be so interesting to see what results I experience. Thank you for sending out the recording after the live talk. Best wishes on having that next baby!!
Thanks for your order, Sharon! Please keep me posted. And thanks for your baby well wishes! Any day now. Getting ready to log off for babymoon tomorrow! 🙂
As a grandma whose granddaughter, age 3, lives with us, I want to help her digestion as much as possible as well as our own. She has never had anything but unrefined whole organic foods yet her little tummy does react to certain foods. Wanted to know about probiotics for years now. As a side note, I love kombucha very much once I had a bottle or two but developed the taste. Love certain saurkrauts as long as they are not too tart and made just right. Am anxious to try this probiotic for all of us!
I believe I have suffered from systemic candida for most of my life.
My belief in my power to heal myself and my addiction to research
led me to reading “A whole new mom” blog which led me to these products. Currently I am adressing my candida with a seperate
approach but have also started En Liven and the Deep Green. I have gained a deeper understanding of not just Probiotics but the way our cells and immune system handle them from listening to the teleseminar. I will pass this along to close friends,family and those around me struggling with disease and health issues.
Thank you for sharing this information.
Thank you so much for your comment Heather – and for sharing this info. Please keep me posted on your experience with the products – and thank you for your order.
Very informative. Never thought about the fact that the probiotics (or other vitamins, supplements, etc.) need to be in food form. I am anxious to learn more about this product and also to learn more about fermenting food. Thank you for this seminar.
I learned alot! I am interested in this probiotic, and wondering if I would need to buy some other supplements (like zeolite or liver support) to help with detox symptoms. I don’t seem to do well with fermented food either, but am interested in knowing if this would help with that. I had suspected mercury before, and so it can be a puzzle, to know what to take when. I loved hearing your success story with the Miessence probiotic!
Thanks for your comment, Kristie. Those are definitely questions to ask Adrienne over at Whole New Mom – the zeolite, liver support etc).
I learned a lot about probiotics. How things were explained made sense. It is so common sense if you stop to think about it, probiotics need to come from food and not heated!
I placed my order and can’t wait to start.
Thanks for your order, Amy! Please keep me posted on your experience. 🙂
It was very informative….thank you. I’m new to probiotics so I appreciate clear and understandable information.
Thank you for recording the call and letting us all listen later on. I really appreciate that. Very thoughtful and very informative! I will be praying for your birth. God bless!
Thanks, Natalie – I SO appreciate your prayers. Any day now! Signing offline for babymoon tomorrow! 🙂
Such a great informative seminar and so thankful for the recording to be able to relisten to the whole thing again.
I was on antibiotics frequently to combat recurrent ear infections, for many years. Recovering from that assault on my gut has been a long uphill battle, not yet won. I would love to try something new that might actually help restore balance.
Hello, I tried several times to sign up for the recorded version of the seminar, but never got an email confirmation. I felt frustrated about that, but I want to thank Lacey for personally sending me one since the computer didn’t! Wow! I am impressed! Thanks! Can’t wait to listen!
You’re most welcome, Pat! Yeah, I have to use the automated systems with so many registrants – we ended up with over 1200! No way I could keep track of that manually! But, I have been trying to at least keep up with notices of failed registrations to see if there is some cyber glitch or what not. Glad I caught yours. 😉
Thanks so much for the great info … getting ready to order some products.
Thanks, Lee Ann. Your order is greatly appreciated! 🙂
I recently had my gall bladder removed after 3 years of being misdiagnosed. I’ve had 2 attacks this year alone that required both a hospital stay and surgery. Unfortunately, I have found no relief from my symptoms since having the surgery.
I hate that I failed and had to have my organ removed. I’m hoping that I can change my diet and lifestyle enough to finally find relief and live a ‘normal’ life.
Oh Zarni! I’m so sorry to be just seeing your comment now. Please don’t beat yourself up – you haven’t failed. Everyone’s journey takes its course for reasons we sometimes don’t understand, but I do believe without a doubt that God can use the disappointments in our lives to fulfill our greatest purposes and destinies. Praying now that He will help you see the beauty somewhere in the challenges. Love, hugs, and prayers!!!!
We were on vacation without Internet, so I haven’t listened yet, but I’m looking forward to it! We love fermented foods (my husband is Korean, so kimchi is a staple), and I look forward to learning how to use it and more about probiotics to heal some of our issues. Thanks!
I have just made my first fruit kvass drinks which I and the kids enjoy much more than sauerkraut, but it seems so contradictory that I have them drink as they are getting extra sugar, too. other than cost, I can see how this product is more ideal in that way.
Yeah Kim, the extra sugars in the home brewed fermented drinks can be an issue, if you choose for taste reasons not to let them ferment long enough to eat up the sugars… Tricky balance.
If you’re interested in trying the products and have any questions on the 20% off discount option, please feel free to email me. Although I believe the product is, quality-wise, worth every penny even at retail price, the 20% off that all customers can get really makes it competitive for the quality and overall value in the market place of “high-quaity” probiotics – some of which out there are not nearly this high quality since they are pills and capsules etc vs real food and drink. 🙂
Truly awesome and helpful info. thanks!
Very timely subject. If more people knew the importance of bacteria to their health, I believe we’d see a huge healing of disease particularly auto-immune disorders.
So true, Chris. Agreed!
Very informative!! Thanks!!
I thought this was great! I wish I knew if my problems were probiotic related.
Figuring that out is key, Erica. Many things are probiotic related these days, but there can of course be other interconnected variables too. Do you have a qualified naturopathic doc you can work with, or at least an MD who is on board with a ‘let they food be they medicine’ primary approach?
I’ve been trying to make the switch to a whole foods, organic as much as possible diet, in an effort to not only lose weight, but to simply be healthier and feel better as a whole. I’ve been reading up some on probiotics and considering giving them a try, but so far all I’ve done is switch to an organic probiotic yogurt. I found this teleseminar very informative as I’m just starting to really learn about this subject, and I very much appreciate the time and effort that went into putting this together for us listeners, and making it available to us! Thanks a bunch! 🙂
Crystal – thanks for your comment. That’s where I was 3 years ago. You have to watch those organic probiotic yogurts from the store. The sugar content can be so high that they end up feeding the bad bugs too. Bleh!
Thanks for the teleseminar – lots of information!
Thank you!! I LOVE probiotic foods (luckily) and it was great to hear more info about them and why they are good for us!
OK finally got to listen to this. 🙂 I went from knowing zero about probiotics to being able to at least tell a paragraph-length about what they are and the benefits. If I decide to start on a probiotic, I feel most comfortable purchasing the Enliven. To have the creator of a product give details about how it is made and the thought behind it is very comforting. Thx!
Thankyou so much for this seminar!
I was so glad to be able to learn more about probiotics and I have taken them off and on now for a year but was recently diagnosed with candida. So I have been taking more (40billion) but also discovered that they had a form of sugar in them so I have been researching and came across you through whole new mom. So glad I did. Looking forward to trying out InLiven and possible doing the liquid Fast Track to help jump start my body back to right again.
Thank you for all the great information!! Probiotics and fermented drinks were one instrumental part in recovering my son from autism, so they are already high on my priority list.But, I still learned more from this seminar!
Thanks for the teleseminar. Very informative
great info and what a simple way to get more probiotics!
Thank you for offering this and all the help given. It is truly appreciated! I am among the fortunate that loves Kimchee and crave it on my meals. We are such die hards of Water Kefir, that we take it with us and brew even at hotels! ♥
Nice! That’s awesome, Monica! I can just imagine what the cleaning staff thinks if they see your jar of water kefir grains on the table. 🙂
I couldn’t make the tele-seminar but can’t wait to listen to the recording. Thanks for making it available!
I love that the INLiven and the Fast Track are Live super foods.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful teleseminar with all your readers- Whole New Mom~~Adrienne!
This was just the right timing! I have known probiotics are good, but it was so nice to get a refresher and to hear straight from such a knowledgeable source. I have been looking for a path to healing of some health problems that I have been experiencing and this is clearly the next step! Thanks to all of you for putting it together.
Thank you!!
Really enjoyed the seminar. Thanks for doing it.
Very interesting seminar. Thank you for sharing and educating us.
thanks for the seminar
I have been out of the country and can not wait to hear the recording! I wanted to hear it live and call in with questions. I hope someone can answer my questions if they are not addressed in the teleseminar recording.
Hopefully, the FAQ page I set up in advance of my babymoon wil help Stephanie. If you still have questions beyond that, and the answers given in the recording itself, please feel free to email me. I have a vacation reply set up starting tomorrow, but it has info on how to contact my colleague Alison for help.
Maybe I missed it, but I never heard any mention of anti-fungals. It is my understanding that anti-fungals and probiotics should be taken together, not separately. I just think it’s important for people to know. Thank you for the seminar.
Thanks for that comment Stacy. You might be right. I’ll have to look into that more. Wonder if the real food probiotics vs pills and capsules probiotics distinction makes any difference there. I don’t know. Always more to learn! 🙂
Thank you so much. The teleseminar was excellent!!!! It was much information, I’m literally still digesting it:). I’m excited to try these products since I’m a little overwhelmed by fermented foods.
Thank you so much for the information, which is so timely for my household. I feel so lucky to have people willing to share their knowledge, and freely at that. How loving, thanks again:)
His knowledge is very helpful as I embark on the fermented foods and probiotic journey. Fascinating! Thank for putting together the webinar ladies!
I’m new to your site. I just heard about it from a friend. I’m looking forward to what you have to offer.
I have not been able to watch the seminar yet, but plan to listen next week. We have a graduate in our house and have been tied up with many activities. I look forward to listening as I am very interested in probiotics and fermented foods.
Congrats on the graduate, Karen! 🙂
I thought this was all very interesting and more info that I need to learn. I would be very excited to try out InLiven probiotics for my special needs child and myself. She is so sensitive to so many thing that I can’t see trying the fermented foods, Kefir, Kombacha and yogur is also too strong for her. We have gone organic on our foods, but I’m trying to find a great Probiotic which I’m hoping this will be the answer, we have tried some but I don’t seem to have the right one yet. And at 65 there’s just too much for me to learn in my life time wish I could have learned about all this many many moons ago.
Anyway Thank for the great info and I can wait to try InLiven probiotics. SOON
<3 <3
You’re most welcome, Molly. Keep me posted on any questions you may have and eventually your experience with the products. 🙂
So glad that you offered us a recorded version to listen to later. Probiotics and fermented foods are great. Kefir in a Blendtec with a little fruit, greens and some ice cubes make great smoothies. Our whole family loves homemade fermented sauerkraut made with cabbage, carrots and celery and it is so easy to make.
I’m thankful the recording worked, Janice!! Never know sometimes with technology! 😉
Thanks so much for this amazing information! I loved listening to the teleseminar.
It was very informative!! Thanks you!
Still in the process of listening to the recording, but very informative so far. Have a number of different health/special needs/allergy issues within our family, so I know the info will be helpful to us.
Thank you!
A very informative webinar. I learned so much but am distressed that I have been taking B-Complex for over 10 yrs, as well as Vit E. I have seasonal allergies and am hoping to find a way to help myself naturally.
Thank you
Still trying to find a time to listen to the seminar without constantly being interrupted by my kids, but it sounds like there will be some great information. I am excited to give these probiotics a try. I’m still trying to figure out how to make my own fermented food.
just getting started on this fermentation journey….so much to take in, but it makes so much sense!
This was great! Thanks so much & can’t wait to try these products…
Best of luck!!
I haven’t had the opportunity to listen in yet, but can not wait to do so. Recently had lab work done that shows 0 good bacteria in my gut! i could use this!
Zero?! Yikes, Melody! Yes, time to flood your gut with the good guys, stat! 🙂
super great information I seriously need to be eating fermented foods and getting my body right!!
Lots of great info! Probiotics are crucial for health. I’m a firm believer in fermented foods and their ability to heal the gut. I also take probiotics in addition to the foods to cover my bases so to speak! It is common sense that die-off will occur when you first start any fermented food or probiotic regimen. That shouldn’t make you stop doing it!!
Thanks for your comment, Sarah! Yes, the die off can be intimidating and unpleasant, but worth it in the end. 🙂
Thanks for making it possible to hear the seminar via email. Good information and suggestions for healthier living. I would be thrilled to win the InLiven!
Thanks so much for the great information! I was only able to listen to about half of the presentation so far but plan to listen to the recording this week. Thank you!
Thanks so much for the seminar! I have been learning about probiotics and fermentation since becoming pregnant and facing yeast/GBS issues. Great info!
Thanks for your comment, Larissa. Yeah, I was GBS positive with babies #1-3, then started eating InLiven halfway through my 4th pregnancy and was negative with him… and just tested negative again with #5 (due any day now).
So much info! Such promising products! (Just wish they were a little more affordable!)
Thanks, Erika. Yeah, budgets can be tight, I know. I hope the 20% discount option can help. The value at retail even is great for the quality, but that 20% discount that basically all customers get really makes it competitively priced in the market, I think. Then, of course, there are the potential referral perks, which can help bring the cost down even lower or make them free. 🙂
Thank you all so very much for the blessing of all this information. I wish the whole world could hear it. My husband and I found out thru Dr. David Williams how much probiotics is essential for our bodies. I have found out so much more thru reading from Whole Mom and other blogs that are associated with WholeMom. Thank you so very much. I want you all to know my wonderful husband of 39 years passed away March 16th. I was trying so very hard to make a change in our diets to help him for he was so sick for so many years. I know that our world teaches us wrong about eating and that our grocery stores are filled with items that only make us worse. I want to continue making a difference in our world to teach others what to eat. So for any of you out there that love the Lord and pray… I ask that you pray for me to learn more and more on how to get healthy and stay healthy so that others do not die as young as my husband who died at 59 years of age. Thank you, Joanne
Oh Joanne! I’m so sorry to just be seeing your precious comment now. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss, but so blessed to hear your faith in this valley. He will lead you through it and use this tragedy to impact many for good, no doubt. Praying now for your peace, hope, joy, and future ministry. Love, hugs, and prayers…
I had heard of probiotics, but now just seeing recently how they are becoming more and more vital to becoming healthier and to help with certain diseases/ailments. I would like to know more though. I don’t know about fermented products though…..might take baby steps. 🙂
Thanks so much. Tons of good info
So much to learn….I am already working on some milk kefir….
I so want to make my family more healthy….starting to work on
that! Now….if only my grands could live the same way! Too bad
you can’t order their parents to start them out right! lol!
Thank you, thank you!
Judi – they are blessed to have a grandma committed to real food nutrition. Keep at it!
I just want to thank you for ALL that you do — giving us a chance to
learn this info is a blessing. You are awesome!
I plan to listen this week…
I think the biggest shocker was learning that most probiotics are (can’t exactly remember the term) altered?, synthetic?, GMO? Regardless, I am second guessing many things that are going in my mouth. It’s so easy to waste time and money on products we think are going to help us heal, so it is GREAT to have people who generously share there hard earned knowledge.
Yeah, Tracie – it’s a tricky world out there. While it doesn’t necessarily mean definitely “bad” in xyz potential synthetic ways, any time you see ‘-based’ or ‘-derived’ (such as whole-food-based or plant-derived), or numbers after the probiotic strains (which could indicate GM strains), it should be a signal at the very least to dig deeper and ask the company more questions about their ingredient sourcing and manufacturing practices.
Stay informed, keep researching, make better choices as they present themselves to you along your journey, but don’t let the second guessing turn to stress, obsession, or worry. Stress is a MAJOR toxin and health assailant! Not worth it.
Praying for peace on yours, and everyone else’s, journey!
Phew! OK, so first of all, thank you all for listening and commenting! Please forgive me for not replying to EVERY comment – I hate not being able to do that, but I’m signing off tomorrow for babymoon – yay!
Thank you for all the great feedback, I’m SO glad you found the teleseminar helpful. And for those who are interested in InLiven or Fast Tract, or have already placed orders, wow – thank you so much. 🙂 Adrienne, Czerral, and I were happy to put this together even if no one ordered anything, but we are blessed to be able to also earn income in support of our families, doing something we love and believe in, while providing folks with both useful info and tangible product options aligned with these real food values.
Thanks again and blessings to you all!! 🙂