OK, so my poor blog has now seen April pass as well. But I think we’re getting into our new groove, and this is a quick post mostly to remind myself that I’m only human. I hope it can be a blessed reminder to all you other type-A personalities out there as well. 🙂
I loved my February e-fast. It was truly a detox. When I logged back on to email for the first time, I think I felt my brain melt. Besides clearing out and responding to my emails, I spent most of March trying to get acclimated to some new time limits online, and now, at the very end of April, I’m finally getting back to blogging – at least once a week, Lord willing!
The e-fast was helpful in many ways. It was a wonderful time of drawing closer to the Lord, just resting at His feet while serving my family only. I began my e-fast with a desire to get His direction, and in some ways, I came out of February with more “service options” placed on my heart than I started. At first I thought, “God, that’s not very helpful, I was hoping for some clearer direction!” Then I came to realize His wisdom here – it forces me to stay closer to Him each day going forward.
One of the biggest reminders that I came away with, having all these interests and passions stirring inside me, is that I am only human. OK, duh. But, I need frequent reminding of that, and I know I’m not the only one. 🙂
It’s one of those weird paradoxes in life, I guess. The more I find God expanding my heart for needs in the world, the more I realize how severely limited I am to do anything about them. Rather than run myself ragged trying to “do, do, do,” over-commit, and live a stress-filled life on so many levels, I need to rest in the little peace-filled niche He has carved out for me within His greater plan and let Him do the work through my tiny action steps of faith.
Going into May, He continues to remind me daily to stop my striving and just give my best to the tasks for which He’s called me. Right now, that is first and foremost my family and home (which includes our own creation care/downwardly mobile/green journey). My work beyond the home – whether with my business or volunteer work – is in His hands to guide and grow through this severely limited human as He wishes.
“His strength is made perfect in our weakness.” Such good news! 🙂
just wanted to let you know I am reading your blog, even if I don’t always comment. So please keep blogging as much as you feel is right! 🙂
Thanks, Jenny. I appreciate the encouragement – and you! You are such a wonderful support. So thankful for you. Love and hugs. 🙂