In your busy day, are you getting the ideal amount of deep green, leafy veggies? How about antioxidant rich foods? Or fermented foods for a healthy digestive system? Or high quality protein?
Whether you need daily nutritional support, or your diet is generally excellent and you just need some ‘now-and-then’ support for the occasional crazy day, it is important to make sure that you supplement with real, nutrient-dense, clean foods – NOT isolated, synthetic ‘vitamins’ that are quite far removed from the real deal and which your body does not know how to process.
No, really. You’ve heard the joke about expensive, bright yellow urine, right? Globally, we’re popping billions of dollars worth of synthetic vitamin pills and eating billions worth of supposed ‘health foods’ full of synthetic nutrients, and our bodies are just eliminating most of the ‘nutrition’ – either passing whole pills through stool or the unabsorbed synthetic ‘nutrients’ through urine. What’s worse is that what does stay in our system, in some cases, may cause more harm than good.
The solution? Find quick, simple, real food only options for your nutritional supplementation.
Here are two video overviews of the products we use in my home because a) they are raw, potent, certified organic foods and offer a great variety of real-food-only nutrients in the blends, b) they are produced fresh and shipped direct from the manufacturer with carbon-negative global shipping, and c) the company offers their customers some great discount options.
(Full disclosure – yes, I am now a rep for these products and do sell them via the online store site the company gave me, receiving commissions from my customer orders for which I am very grateful, but this is only because I am first and foremost Narelle’s very happy customer and feel 100% comfortable recommending them to others.)