Been meaning to share this story for a week or so, but just hadn’t found the time. Two Thursdays ago, after too many nights in a row of staying up late researching some very interesting stuff, I noticed that my left eye was feeling funny a bit before midnight. And sure enough, when I headed up to bed not too much later and looked in the mirror as I washed my face, there was the pink and the goop. Ugh. Great.
But never fear! I knew what to do. If you know me well, you know that I am no movie buff (except for the Lord of the Rings movies). But even I know the joke from My Big Fat Greek Wedding about “put some Windex on it!”
No, I did not put Windex in my eye. I’m not sure if I even have any Windex in my house anymore at this point. But my solution lends itself to a similarly funny sounding quote: Put some breast milk on it!
I’ll never forget when my friend Sarah, from Real Food Outlaws, first told me about this wonderful trick. One of my munchkins had pink eye, and I had either just picked up or was about to pick up the Vigamox prescription the doc had called in for me. She said, “Just put some breast milk in his eye.”
Really? That works? Yup! I put mama milk in his eye, and it cleared up within 24 hours. I think I gave him a few more doses just to make sure the infection was gone, but it was so much better than the ‘conventional’ alternative. No need to prolong the trauma of dosing eye drops out 3x a day for 5 days to a cowering, crying toddler (eye drops are no fun at any age).
So, back to me a week or so ago. I put some breast milk in my eye, went to bed, and the pink and goop were both gone by morning. When the virus decided to try and set up shop in my husband and younger daughter’s eyes instead over the next few days – same thing. A few doses of mama milk and no more pink eye.
Then the baby had a touch of an ear infection. Couple drops of mama milk in the ear a few times a day for a couple days – all better. No need to wipe out all the good bacteria in his gut with an antibiotic just to knock out something festering in his ear. 🙂
And here is an even better testimony to the amazing power of breast milk. Last week, my older son somehow scratched his cornea. He just randomly started crying and crying about his eye hurting. So, we called his eye doctor to make sure it couldn’t be some sort of post surgery problem. It had been over two months though since his strabismus surgery, so we couldn’t imagine that was it.
Anyways. Took him in, the doc checked his eye, noted the scratched cornea, gave us a prescription for an antibiotic eye drop to prevent infection while it healed (I had another idea), said it would take 2-3 days to feel better and maybe a week to heal. He also patched the eye and said to bring him back the next day to remove the patch and check it out. When we got home, it wasn’t long before the bub wanted the patch off his eye, so we took it off, and I gave him his ‘special’ eye drops. 😉
The next day, the doc said my son’s eye was almost completely healed already. Yay! Go mama milk! Somewhere I think I saw a bumper stick that says, “I make breast milk. What’s your super power?” Love it.
Then just today, a friend shared this really super thorough post on 57 uses of breast milk by Dionna over at Code Name Mama.
Check it out!
So, next time you have any sort of problem, maybe “Just put some breast milk on it!” (to be read with a Greek accent – and not to be taken as medical advice. Anecdotal only. I’m not a doctor. If in doubt when caring for yourself or family, ask a doctor.).
Don’t have your own supply? Find a healthy nursing mama you trust – she’d probably be happy to share. 🙂
love. love. love. LOVE!!!
that is awesome! I wonder, in the absence of breast milk, if raw (cow’s or goat’s) milk would work…
That’s a great question, Jenny! I’ll have to ask our farmers if they ever used raw milk for pink eye and ear infections. 🙂
so I have a small cut on my finger, the kind that is not very big but is annoying, and starting to feel a bit infected as I have my hands in and out of water all day. I just soaked it in some raw goat’s milk and put on a bandaid. We’ll see if it improves at all.
Interested in what your farmer may have to say about this!
I just sent a question to my goat’s milk farmer about this…
Nice! Let us know what he/she says – and how your cut heals. 🙂
Haven’t heard back from our farmer yet. I’m pretty sure they are insanely busy getting their new on-site lab testing up and running. Just love them. 🙂
from my raw goat’s milk farmer, on whether raw goat’s or cow’s milk would help with pinkeye or ear infections: “No experience but they both have live antibodies etc in them!”
my finger has healed…I’m not sure I can say if the milk soak helped or not…it did feel better right after the soak, but then I continued to have my hands involved in kitchen work so kept re-irritating it…
Hey Jenny – from our farmer…
Hi Lacey,
I loved your blog about using breast milk for pink eye, ear infections, etc. ! I only wish I had known these things when my babies were little. Some of my older children had lots of ear infections when they were babies. I spent lots of sleepless nights waiting for morning when I could call the doctor. I had success with Jefferson (my youngest) using a a few drops of organic garlic tincture for ear aches… I don’t ever remember needing antibiotic for him. I love natural remedies such as raw honey for cuts or minor wounds and your breast milk advice.
Now whether raw cows or goats milk works the same way, I don’t really know. I remember one customer of ours several years ago was putting our raw milk in her teenage daughter’s eye for some kind of eye irritation she was battling. So I don’t really think it would hurt to try it, although it may not work as well as breast milk. Maybe we’ll have to experiment with it!
All the best,
P.S. Sorry it took me a while to get back to you. You may share this with the group if you’d like.
I believe in the power of mother’s milk. I always have colostrum capsules on hand for when I feel a cold/flu coming on. Those are from cows, I believe, but they work. That and some potent garlic!
Thanks so much for the tip, Joan. Hadn’t heard of colostrum capsules – good to know. Definitely agree on the garlic – yum! : )
Love this post! Haha, the look on people’s faces when I suggest putting breastmilk in their eyes!!!