This announcement first made on July 17th in the July edition of MiCommunity. Reposted here on the blog August 17th.
Have you seen the new book by Kristi Marsh yet?
In the months of July and August, some members of the MiCommunity Team will be reading Kristi’s book, Little Changes, and really hope you will read along too.
We would love to hear what has inspired you to make “Little Changes” in your lives? If you haven’t yet, what has kept you from making the changes? What do you fear as the biggest hurdle in sticking with these changes?
By sharing your thoughts with us, you will be entered into our summer raffle to win 6 autographed copies of Little Changes to share with your book club or circle of friends plus a Miessence Certified Organics gift certificate to help you on the road towards elimination of chemicals in your home.
To enter, simply comment below and share your thoughts on the questions above by August 28th at 11:59 pm. The raffle winner will be notified by September 15th.
For an additional entry and chance to win this raffle, subscribe to our MiCommunity monthly inbox magazine between July 17th and August 28th, and use the code ‘little changes’ when you subscribe here.
If you’d like the ‘fine print’ on the raffle, please request a copy of the terms & conditions here.
I’d love to be in the contest! I’d say that my own health issues, and what I’m observing as issues/trends in society as a whole, motivate me to make changes. Also, the more I learn, the more changes I want to make. That works both ways though…the more I learn, the more overwhelmed I get, and then changes are less likely to actually happen! 🙂
I think what motivates me to change and stick to them is quality of life. My grandmother died at 40 from breast and bone cancer. She was diagnosed at my age. I want to give myself, my children and future grandchildren a better chance. So much illness is environmental and what we do does matter.
My biggest motivation to start making “little changes” is the desire to live an active healthy lifestyle. My mother has been the foundation for healthy living in our family and I have grown up with knowledge that has now helped me with my own family. By just making little changes I’m seeing big results in how we feel and how simple life can really be…..the way God intended.
Hi Jenny, Sarah, and Jenelle! Thanks for sharing your stories. Will announce winner by September 15th – just need to compile and add all the entries submitted to my whole team in to the randomizer and select the lucky winner. 🙂
@Jenny – Yes, one step at a time and don’t stress about the things we just can’t tackle yet for whatever reasons. That’s our ‘motto’ in our house. 🙂
@Sarah – You must have told me about your grandmother before, but hearing the story again here really hit me. 40?! That’s so young. I’m sorry you had to experience that but am thankful for how God has used it to shape you into a force for change in the world.
@Jenelle – Simple life… yes! I really do need to meet your mom at some point. Maybe she can join us for tea when we get together in a few weeks? 🙂