OK, this is just a quick post to alert everyone to this great deal I just found out about from a friend. So far, just thanks to friends and a little internet research here and there, I have learned how to make elderberry syrup (LOVE this!), a cold and flu tincture, a cold and flu tea, and an herbal-infused salve.
And now THIS! This looks like a really great way to learn more myself and teach my kids about herbal medicine making in a really fun way at the same time. Check it out! The special ends tonight, but even if you catch this after the fact, it still looks like a great deal (looks like it’s normally only $37).
Very exciting! Definitely a Christmas present well-suited to my crunchy, gaming family.
My hubby is a total gamer, and he rubs it off on all of us. 🙂
hey lacey, this looks great, thanks! just ordered.
btw where do you get your elderberries and herbs and such?
Hey Jenny. So far, I have gotten them all through co-op buys in my local chapter of Holistic Moms Network. And since I haven’t organized any of these coops, I’m not sure where they were sourced exactly. I’ll ask and get back to you, or see if I can get any of the organizers to chime in here directly for us. : )
Hey there! I buy my herbs at several places:
I love the Bulk Herb Store: http://www.bulkherbstore.com/ This is a phenomenal resource too!
Mountain Rose Herbs: http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/
What is really great is to get in on a buying club like a Frontier Coop. If you are SouthJersey or evey South Philadelphia based, there is one through the West Jersey Holistic Mom’s chapter. We have a GREAT chapter and great chapter leaders. A wealth of great information about all kinds of holistic-y type stuff flows freely there if you live near. We also do bulk orders to get reduced costs and free shipping to places like Mountain Rose. Other Mom’s witthin the group have organized bulk buying with other companies.
Hope this helps! Blessings to you!
Hey there Lacey, I bought this game and I signed up for all things LearningHerbs, but will not have a chance to actually DO any of it until after the first of the year… so much about this website suites me too! Cheers!
We get our herbs, and have for years from Mountain Rose Herbs. http://www.mountainroseherbs.com. They have great quality and great prices. LearningHerbs.com recommends them as well and is where they get all their herbs. Hope that helps(: