Like many, you may have first come in contact with the Miessence Community by researching probiotics and discovering InLiven and/or Fast Tract – the certified organic, prebiotic, probiotic fermented superfoods formulated by Czerral Wheeler. You also may have had the opportunity to hear Czerral speak on a recorded interview, or even had the chance to ask him your questions on a live teleseminar. Czerral was always so generous with his knowledge and time, and he has surely assisted tens of thousands or more on their health journeys. While his recordings, information, wisdom, and products will carry on his legacy, I regret to announce that Czerral is no longer with us to inspire and teach directly.
When I first heard the news of Czerral’s passing, I felt this incredible mix of emotions. Great shock and sorrow at the loss of such an inspirational, knowledgeable, caring, generous, and visionary man, but also an odd sense of rejoicing for him that he’d lived such an healthy life right up to the sudden end. I think that’s the way we all hope to go someday – peacefully and quickly.
Czerral had over 30 years experience in the health food industry and particularly in the field of good bacteria, or probiotics. In 1979 he became well known for his exclusive role in introducing spirulina to the world market. In the 1980s, he became focused on holistic enterprises dealing with research and development of “super-foods” – a word he coined to describe any organic food source that carries a broad spectrum of nutrients. He was a featured speaker for motivational and health seminars, radio talk shows, and television interviews around the world.
I count it among many highlights of my life to have been able to interview and co-host interviews with Czerral over the past couple years. He was always such a joy to work with and every time I heard him speak, I felt I’d learned something new. I know many of you felt similarly, as you often expressed your gratitude for his knowledge in your emails and social media comments.
Thank you, Czerral, for everything you gave us. You will be missed but not forgotten. And thank you to everyone who eats InLiven, drinks Fast Tract, and/or tells your friends about what you’ve learned and experienced thanks to Czerral and the Miessence Community – you are also helping carry on his legacy of health to a whole new generation.
I accidentally stumbled upon this news on the Internet. This is very sad news to hear that Czerral has passed away, he was a great health and spiritual teacher and a good friend. He first got me thinking about probiotics many years ago. My wife and myself make our own sauerkraut and kefir yogurt as part of our daily health routine.