As I prepare for my booth at a local “Creation Celebration” event tomorrow, I find myself wondering why some (not all, but some) Christians are so apathetic toward the green movement. Some are even downright antagonistic toward it. Someone I spoke with recently said that she had visited a church where the pastor was openly attacking – not respectfully questioning or lovingly pointing out potential concerns – anything having to do with choosing a greener lifestyle. I don’t get it…
Wasn’t mankind’s first charge from God to steward well the earth which He has lovingly provided to sustain life throughout generations? Doesn’t Jesus say to ‘care for the least of these’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ (who, by Jesus’ definition, is everyone including our enemies) as tangible expressions of our love for God?
Below is a string of quotes from one of my favorite authors, Matthew Sleeth:
“The earth was designed to sustain every generation’s needs, not to be plundered in an attempt to meet one generation’s wants” (p.18). “The ‘consumer lifestyle’ demands an enormous amount of work, worry, strife, and struggle by instilling a deep sense of longing and discontent” (p.20). “Being pro-stewardship is not a case of valuing forests more than people; rather, it means valuing human possessions less and God’s world more” (p.35). “God created the earth, and if we do not respect the earth and all of its creatures, we disrespect God” (p.36). “Environmental concerns are intimately tied to issues of poverty, health, and compassion” (p.40)… And I could go on. Point is, the green movement is 100% compatible with the Christian faith and God’s work of healing and renewal for the whole earth and all its people.
Whether you are a Christian yourself, or you have Christian friends with whom you’d like to discuss green lifestyle issues to help them see its major benefits to all aspects of holistic human health, including spiritual health, I highly recommend the book, “Serve God, Save the Planet,” by Matthew Sleeth, MD.
I agree with you 100%. Glad you wrote a post about this. 🙂
Thanks, Heba. If you come across any other good resources along these lines, please post them here? My hope is for this blog to become an easily searchable place for solid resources from lots of different people. 🙂
thanks for your post!
Thanks, Alexei. Nice to meet you. How did you find my blog?
I checked out some of your blog posts on the site. Great stuff. This is such an important topic for Christians to really grasp on a deeper level, and it seems to me that the majority of Christian “green” thinking so far is limited to saving money by putting solar panels on the church roof. It’s so much bigger than that!
Would love to hear the story of how you personally got “tuned in” to Creation Care issues.